Weekly Writing Prompts #1 – Simply Begin

Welcome to the writing club! I’m creating weekly writing prompts to inspire everyone who has an inner writer to get started, unstuck, or to revive the writing process. I’ve felt the need to come up with creative ways to maintain my writing practice. I used to have weekly to monthly meetings with writing peers where we did workshops on all sorts of topics ― anything to get the process started. As I explore ideas, I want to share the prompts and inspirations I come up with. How wonderful it would be to start up a virtual writing community, fingers crossed!

These prompts are designed as an exercise for journaling and free writing. All you need is your creative heart and mind, a journal, pencil, and pen (or keyboard, if that floats your boat). You can use these prompts throughout the week to begin a project, whatever style or length. 

The breakdown:

A quote from an author who has gone through the writing trials,  tribulations, and triumphs. Their quote can offer a perspective you may not have thought of before or just the creative spark you need.

A question is asked as an extra step to think about the writing process. This is a midway point to free up your thinking and to be reflective.

An idea, what some would consider the creative writing prompt, is where your story, blurb, description begins. Build off this idea and incorporate it in your journaling.

Hopefully, these prompts will help you to cultivate and/or deepen your writing process. This week’s general theme is: simply begin. Let’s get writing!

You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it.

That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.

― Octavia E. Butler

Take the great mother of Black Science Fiction, Octavia E. Butler’s words as truth: writing is about persistence. Writing can be a daunting experience, believe me, I know. Yet, it can also be one of great self-expression. I love when I get into a writing groove and I can imagine my characters having conversations or I see them walking in a scene. But, you and I and everyone else who has experienced doubt about their own writing have to break through those moments of doubt in order to have those much sweeter moments of literary insight.

Allow yourself to feel fired up by this quote, mull it over if you have to and, most of all, remember to take it easy. Octavia’s words remind us that to be a writer you have to start somewhere. Hesitation can make any situation into a mountain when it’s really an ant hill. So, simply begin.

What does writing feel like to you? If it were a character, how would you describe it?

In your journal, write down whatever comes to mind about how writing makes you feel. Does it make you feel overjoyed like you’re a creative mastermind?  Does it feel like an emotional release because you’re venting?

She gathers her pile of books from the table. As she leaves, a stained slip of parchment falls before her feet.

What happens next? What’s on the parchment, why’s it stained in the first place? I don’t know, only you do.

Write down any feelings, any descriptions, anything that comes to mind. That is it for the first weekly writing prompt. Please let me know what you create on Facebook at The Kai Adia Blog! By the end of the week, I will post my updates as well. Until next time.

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Kai 😀

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