Hey World! Life as a post-grad

Something told me to come to the edge and start this blog.

A few weeks ago a major shift happened in my life: I graduated from college. Four years came and went so quickly and now I’m in the middle of where I once was and where I want to be: completely in the present moment. I could panic, but I’d rather bask in it. So, in this post-grad life, I’ve decided to carve my figurative initials into the proverbial wooden desk of the internet (Is that a proverb? Who cares >.> ). I’ve toyed with the idea before but what better time than now?

Being able to go the school and learn about my passions (English Literature/Creative Writing and Environmental Justice) was an opportunity that I was lucky to have. Yet, in school, I felt that I wore so many jackets that supposedly made up my personality. Whether those jackets came from others or me, now I know for sure I want to shed them. They can be put in a nice cute box and taken straight to a second-hand store, or better yet cast off into oblivion. Those jackets were never bad, they just don’t fit anymore.

As a 20-something-year-old, I’m changing. Los Angeles is changing too, and now that I am back in the place where I was born and raised, it’s time to explore. So in my blog, I will share the events I go to around LA, dive into my thoughts about what’s up in literature, art, film, and the environment all from my particular perspective. I hope that in sharing my voice, I connect with others in a beautiful new way.

I may be an English major but I don’t often quote people, so I’ll just paraphrase Thoreau: I wish to live deliberately and suck the marrow out of life. Although Thoreau’s Walden is a teensy-weensy bit dismissive of the indigenous people who shaped the land he saw as raw and natural, I have to say those words are still thought-provoking. I’ll be putting them into practice during this post-grad life. Stay tuned.


– Kai 😀

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